Books of
academician A.M. Baldin
Performances and
scientific journalistic articles
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Videoarchive of the JINR video portal
M. I. Adamovich , A. M. Baldin , V.
Bradnova, M. M. Chernyavsky, V. A. Dronov, S. P. Kharlamov, A. D.
Kovalenko, V. A. Krasnov, V. G. Larionova, G. I. Orlova, N. G.
Peresadko, P. A. Rukoyatkin, V. V. Rusakova, N. A. Salmanova, P. I.
Irradiation of Nuclear Emulsions in Relativistic Beams of 6He and 3H
Nuclei. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. ¹1, (2002)
A.M. Baldin Quantum
Field Theory and Symmetries in Nuclear Physics.(PEPAN) Volume 31
(2000),part 7A
A. M. Baldin Quantum Field Theory and Symmetries in Nuclear
Physics. Particles and Nuclei, Letters ¹ 2,
PHYSICS (Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of
Academician V.A.Fock)
(PEPAN) Volume 31 (2000),part 1
On Symmetry in Modern Physics. Dedicated to the 100th
Anniversary of the Birth of Academician V.A. Fock (1999)
A.M. Baldin,
A.I. Malakhov Introduction eng
A.M.Baldin, A.I.Malakhov
Relativistic Multiparticle Processes in the Central Rapidity
Region at Asymptotically High Energies. Particles and Nuclei,
Letters ¹1, (1998)
A.M.Baldin, A.D.Kovalenko A 100 TeV
Synchrotron/Collider Based on the Nuclotron-Type
Cryomagnetic System. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. 3,
A.M.Baldin, Kh.U.Abraamyan,
S.V.Afanasiev, Yu.S.Anisimov, V.V.Arkhipov, A.S.Artyomov,
V.V.Avdeichikov, V.K.Bondarev, A.F.Elishev, A.Yu.Isupov,
V.A.Kashirin, A.N.Khrenov, V.I.Kolesnikov, A.D.Kovalenko,
V.A.Kuznetsov, A.G.Litvinenko, A.I.Malakhov, P.K.Maniakov,
E.A.Matyushevsky, G.L.Melkumov, I.I.Migulina, A.S.Nikiforov,
V.A.Nikitin, P.V.Nomokonov, V.G.Perevozchikov, S.G.Reznikov,
I.A.Rufanov, A.Yu.Semenov, V.A.Smirnov, P.I.Zarubin,
I.Atanasov, V.N.Penev, A.I.Berlev, V.A.Krasnov,
A.I.Maevskaia, S.V.Zadorozhny
An Experimental Run on the New Superconducting Accelerator
Nuclotron at 3.8 and 6.2 GeV/c Deuteron Momentum. Particles
and Nuclei, Letters ¹2, year (1994)
A.A.Baldin, L.G.Efimov,
G.A.Feofilov, S.N.Filippov, V.S.Pantuev, F.F.Valiev Some
Results of MCP Timing Resolution Measurements with Minimum
Ionizing. Particles Particles and Nuclei, Letters ¹2,
The First Experiments on Nuclear
Reaction Studies at Nuciotron
A.M.Baldin, S.V.Afanasiev, Yu.S.Anisimov, V.V.Arkhipov,
A.S.Artyomov, V.K.Bondarev, O.V.Egorov, A.F.Elishev,
V.I.Ilyushchenko, A.Yu.Isupov, V.A.Kashirin, A.N.Khrenov,
V.I.Kolesnikov, A.D.Kovalenko, V.A.Kuznetsov,
A.G.Litvinenko, A.I.Malakhov, P.K.Maniakov,
E.A.Matyushevsky, G.LMelkumov, I.I.Migulina, T.M.Mironova,
A.S.Nikiforov, V.A.Nikitin, P.V.Nomokonov,
V.G.Perevozchikov, V.I.Prokhorov, S.G.Reznikov,
A.Yu.Semenov, A.B.Shabunov, V.A.Smirnov, P.L.Zarubin,
LAtanasov, L.Ivanov, V.N.Penev. Particles and Nuclei,
Letters. 4, (1993)
A.M.Baldin, A.I.Malakhov Experiments
on Relativistic Nuclear Physics in Beams of Dubna
Synchrophasotron and Nuclotron. Particles and Nuclei,
Letters. 3, (1993)
A.M.Baldin Anomalies Observed by
Skobeltsyn in the Beta Decay and New Resonances in Quantum
Electrodynamics. Particles and Nuclei, Letters. 3,
A.M.Baldin, L.A.Didenko,
V.G.Grishin, A.A.Kuznetsov, G.M.Maneva, Z.V.Metreveli,
P.P.Teranikov. Hadron Jets in Deep-Inelastic N interactions
and Universality of the Jet Properties in Relative
Four-Velocity Space. Particles and Nuclei, Letters ¹1, (1987)
A.M.Baldin, A.O.Kechechyan,
B.A.Shahbazian. On the Existence of the First Intermediate
Asymptotics in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions. Particles and
Nuclei, Letters ¹2, (1987)
A.M.Baldin, L.A.Didenko, V.G. Grishin, A.A. Kuznetsov, Z.V.
Metreveli. Universality of Hadron Jets in Soft and Hard
Particle Interactions at High Energies. Particles and Fields
33,363-375 (1987) eng pdf
A.M.Baldin, B.V.Batiunja,
I.M.Gramenitsky, V.G.Grishin, L.A.Didenko, A.A.Kuznetsov,
Z.V. Metreveli. Four-Dimensional Jets as Universal
Characteristics of Multiple Particle Production. Particles
and Nuclei, Letters. 3, (1986)
A.M.Baldin. Nucltar
reactions with large momentum transfers as a source of information
about multiquark states in nuclei (1985). Nuc.Phys.695 p.eng pdf
A.M. Baldin.
Dubna_ Quarks in nuclei. CERN Document Server (1984)
A.M.Baldin. Particle and nuclear scattering at large momentum
transfers CERN 11.05.(1982) Proceedings of the CERN-JINR school of
physics. Hanko, Finland. eng pdf
A.M. Baldin.
Multibaryon interactions at relativistic energies. (1980) Reprinted
from Progress in partivle & Nuclear physics eng
A.M.Baldin, N. Ghiordanescu,
V.S.Stavinsky. Backward meson production in the p(d) -
nucleus collision or the experimental investigation of
cumulative meson production on nuclei by protons and
deuterons (1975) High-Energy Collisions Involving Nuclei.
Trieste, 9-13 September 1974
(1975) Particle Production by relativistic heavy ions.
High-Energy Collisions Involving Nuclei. Trieste, 9-13
September 1974
A.M.Baldin. Multibaryon Interactions at Relativistic
Energies 1978. Proceedings of the 19th international
conference on high energy physics.
Tokyo, August 23-30, (1978)
A.M. Baldin. Formula
A.M. Baldin Polarizability of nucleons. (1960) NF 18