A.M.Baldin and V.G.Soloviev (right). |
At the Laboratory left to right : S.P.Kapitza, A.M.Baldin, and L.G.
Makarov, 1984
A.M.Baldin’s wife (left). At the Seminar “Baldin’s automn”, 1981. |
Left to right: A.M.Baldin, V.A.Nikitin, and L.I.Sarycheva, 1981. |
Left to right : L.G.Makarov, A.M.Baldin and I.N.Semeniushkin. |
The Fermilab Director R.Wilson is visiting the Laboratory of High Energy Physics
Left to right: A.M.Baldin, R.Wilson, A.A.Kuznetsov, 1975.
Left to righ : R.Wilson, A.M.Baldin, A.A.Vassiliev. |
A visit of N.N.Bogoliubov to the Laboratory of High Energy Physics.
Left to right : N.P.Teriokhin, N.N.Bogoliubov, L.G.Makarov,
A.M.Baldin, and I.A.Shelaev.